Episode 2
Pre, During, Post ride Fueling
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to ask the pedal list the podcast where I try to answer common cycling and strength training questions in small bite sized format. I’m your host Mukund Murali in each episode I take one question and try to provide a short but information rich answer which hopefully will help you implement right away.
In this episode, I try to answer the question why is a pre post and even a mid-ride fueling important during cycling and what foods provide the best fueling options. Cycling is energy, intense cardio activity, so the more whole natural foods one consumes, the longer the energy is released, especially on long endurance type rides.
A healthy, nutritious pre ride meal is a necessity and so is on the bike refueling. The lack of calories is what leads to a term known in the cycling circles as bonking, where your body just gives up mid-ride and I have experienced it more than once, unfortunately. Looking back, I had not had a proper pre ride meal and I did not have anything with me on the ride for me to refuel. So, the lesson learned that day was to have a quick, nutritious calorie dense snack pre ride, and also take something with me in case I bonk on the ride. My pre ride meal usually consists of a peanut butter sandwich, or a banana, or oats and plenty of water, and on the ride snack is usually a granola bar or something that’s quick to eat. Anything with a mix of protein, carbs, and a little fat is advised for pre, during and post ride nutrition.
There are various options to fuel yourselves, so what worked for me might not work for anybody else, so experiment it. Start slow, see how you feel on the bike with the various food combinations, and as you fine tune your riding and fueling options.
Hope this helped. See you in the next episode.
“Protein Before or After Workout“, Pedal My Way
“Brioche Sandwich – A Great Post-Ride Snack“, Pedal My Way